Mental, social and spiritual fitness also promote healthy aging.
What you put into your body together with the right combination of diet
and mental, physical, social and spiritual fitness plays a critical role in
determining whether a persons ages in a healthy way.
The irony, those foods which may not be so appealing to the eyes and
taste buds quite often offer the greatest health benefits. Fish, nuts, richly
colored fruits and vegetables, legumes, yogurt, whole grains and plenty of
water make up a great combination for the ultimate Anti-Aging Diet. You can eat your way to a healthy living.
The body’s ability to absorb nutrients weakens as the body ages. Because of this, it is significant to know
the variety of sources of age-fighting foods in one’s chase to find their own
personal fountain of youth. Richly colored fruits and vegetables are great
antioxidants that offer vitamins A, C and E.
Antioxidants help to combat free radicals that can damage cells and
cause disease and deterioration.

To prevent heart disease high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes,
arthritis, osteoporosis and much more eat fish, eggs and some oils each offer
omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
A well-balanced, anti-aging diet should have phytosterols to maintain
lower cholesterol levels, probiotics for digestive health, as well as calcium
and iron for bone and blood health, respectively.
Always keep moving, this Is one of the greatest secret of ant-aging and
whether you exercise at home, at a gym, in a class, or by yourself, the
benefits are sure to be in favor of you.
Remain consistent but it is also recommended that you consult your
physician before beginning any exercise program.
Mental, social and spiritual fitness also promote healthy aging. Latest studies show that mental perception in
aging is not necessarily, nor solely affected by the normal aging process, this
is according to National Institute on Aging.
In actual fact, to a greater extent of research demonstrates that
depression plays a larger, critical role in whether the aging mind is
unfavorably affected or deprived of its youth and memory function. New
activities, hobbies, and exercise are wonderful anti-depressants. According to
Healthy Aging Website list several ways to boost mental, social and spiritual
· Take a class, play games, be
with people
· Pick up the phone now and
call someone, just to "chat"
· Volunteer your time. Get
involved with a cause you believe in or in something that interests you
· Seek out variety and
challenge in your daily life
· Give of Yourself. Be
generous with the most important thing you own -- your time. Volunteer: how
about the Peace Corps, a local nursing home, or teach a youngster to swim.
· Seek Inspiration/Keep the
Faith. Belief in a higher power is of paramount importance according to the
contest entrants.
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